The initial Thelemic Initiations and Ordination originally scheduled for 2020 has been rescheduled to May 13-15, 2022

The Thelemic Initiations

The Oaths, and Initial Information about what is required for Initiates to bring, along with warnings has been made available.

Finally after major pandemic disruptions, our May 2020 event which will feature official ceremonies of ordination, consecration, and the inaugural Thelemic initiations and initiator training is back on track for May 2022!

We look toward this event as a real kickoff for the organization and its initiatory track moving towards our first organizational elections in Fall 2022. In order to avoid a feeling of “mass” initiations, we will operate multiple concurrent initiatory tracks.

Initiations and Initiator Training 0°, I°, II° 

You are not obligated to take all three initiations, though you must take 0° to take I° and must take 0° and I° to take II°.

The Thelemic initiations are a complete track of initiation focusing on the Thelemic mysteries 0°- XIII°. While individuals may be excluded due to bad behavior, there are no “invitational” degrees, and it is fully expected that anyone who retains an interest in the initiations will be allowed to initiate fully 0°- XIII°. Approximately two new initiations will be delivered annually with the XIII° expected to be first performed in 2028. The initiations are chartered under the elected leadership of The Thelemic Order, and have a rotating council of senior initiates who oversee initiations, but there are no “special degrees” reserved to individuals. The Law is for all.

You’ll receive contact at your registration e-mail from the Secretary General of the Order.  

About three months before the initiation, you’ll receive a questionnaire to begin the process of planning your initiation, and there will be options for personal contact to ensure that you are able to give informed consent for all aspects of the initiations

About the Event


You are not obligated to take all three initiations, though you must take 0° to take I° and must take 0° and I° to take II°.

You are not required to take initiator training, but if you choose to, you will be able to initiate 0°-II° after completing the required safety and consent training. If you complete the safety and consent training beforehand, you will leave certified to initiate.

For prospective Sovereign Initiators, the Thelemic initiations 0°- II° do not require any massive or cumbersome props, or vast amounts of memorization. We will provide guidance on the minimal items needed to accomplish the initiations.

If you cannot stay for initiator training Sunday afternoon due to travel/flights there will be a followup online session to be certified.


Consecrations of our Prelates, and initial Priestly Ordinations will be conducted from 8-11pm Saturday night.  It is not necessary to travel to this event in order to be ordained, however we will recognize those Clergy in the region and begin the creation of a system for moving ordinations.  

Interested in becoming Clergy?  Take a look at information about the Heterodox Gnostic Church, under the heading “The Clergy” 

Statement on Oaths:

All Oaths are now Available for Review

Aside from a basic agreement to keep the exact wording and signs of the initiations confidential, which is made on personal honor alone, the 0°-II° Thelemic Initiations do not require any oaths to a living human person or organization. 

Aside from a basic agreement not to publish the text of the initiations, the Thelemic Initiations will never at any degree 0°-XIII°  require an oath to a living human person or organization. No one will be expected to swear to anything they have not agreed to and received a review copy of well in advance.


Event Schedule, May 13-15 2022

Friday night, May 13, 2022:

  • 5 pm – Registration Opens at the Hotel
  • 6:00pm – Reception, meet and greet, hors d’oeuvres
  • Individual meetings with Initiators
  • 11:00p – Initiator Meeting

Saturday May 14, 2022:

  • 9:30 am – 1 pm – 0° Initiation
  • 2 pm – 5:30 pm – I° Initiation
  • 5:30 -7 pm Dinner
  • 8-11 pm – Ordinations, Prelate Consecrations, Swearing in of Provisional Officers, and Mass, followed by a reception.

Sunday, May 15, 2022:

  • 10 am – 1pm – II° Initiation
  • 2 pm – 5 pm Initiator Training
    • Individuals who cannot stay for the Training may Certify through a live online class scheduled later in the month.

Statement on Pandemic Issues:

If you registered previously, your registration is still valid and paid. If you cannot attend on these dates and require a refund please contact us.

Expect the May event to require Vaccination and Testing. Exact timeframes and details TBA.

Individuals who cannot be safely vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons may be accommodated on an individual case by case basis, at their own risk, with appropriate testing.  Email

The Thelemic Order has and will support not only all government and health organization guidelines but all sane and scientific measures aimed at reducing the spread of COVID or any other pandemic disease. Exact procedures for the event will reflect prevailing science-based guidelines and best practices at the time, equal to or exceeding any legal requirements. In the event of a cancellation we will again offer full refunds or continuation to a future event date.

Event fees Not Tax Deductible

TTO is a 501 (c)(3) charity, however the IRS prevents the deduction for payments for events, services, or goods.  As costs of registration cover event costs, exclusively they are not tax-deductible contributions. 

Officers of TTO Groups which are formally 501(c)(3) Churches, either as an explicit signatory under the TTO Umbrella or separately, and who attend Initiator Training, or anyone who Completes Initiator Training and is Certified as a Sovereign Initiator, may deduct their travel expenses as this constitutes travel for service to the 501(c)(3) Group.  

  • The specific registration information for the hotel will be provided in an email following your event registration.  If you need further assistance, email
  • The Hotel has a free shuttle to and from BWI Airport.   
  • Rates – pay at check in, cancellation available
    • As low as $126 with advance purchase
    • King bed/Sofabed nonsmoking $145
    • 2 Double beds nonsmoking $145
    • Queen bed nonsmoking $145

BOLT Bus goes to Penn Station
To reach BWI from Penn Station by MTA Light Rail, Take the Light Rail to Mt. Royal Avenue, then transfer to the BWI Train

Registration NoW OPEN